B&D Diesel Services – A Success Story

“Case make some big claims, we’ve tested them. I’ve been in the game a long time and I’m not a romantic, it’s just dirt, but the (CX350C) has made a huge impact outside the reasons we originally got it… I believe CASE offer a hire machine to try. I would recommend that.”

Brendan Adams – B&D Diesel Service

Brendan Adams is a diesel mechanic, and the proud, Melbourne based owner of B&D Diesel Services. As the driver of a Holden Maloo with a love of HSVs, ClubSport, he’s clearly passionate about machines. While he loves working with them, diesel machines can be very demanding, and at B&D Diesel Services, his business operates the works. Nine excavators, dozers and backhoes, trucks and trailers for basin digs, sub-division work, drainage, and a full range of earthmoving services.

After making the decision to invest in a CASE CX300C, Brendan enthusiastically told us about the changes it brought to his business, even only four months in. Having been in the game a long time, he told us that the changes had made a real positive impact, and after a long discussion about what made the difference, we’ve pinpointed the three things that impressed him the most;
the Quality, the Savings, and the impressive Service of the CASE Team.


In terms of the quality, here’s the bottom line: it’s cleaner, stronger, more efficient, and cheaper to run then it’s predecessors. CASE is proud that the CX300C’s are the first heavy excavators in the Australian market to be launched with Tier 4 Interim compliant, low emission engines, which mixes pin-point efficiency with reduced environmental impact, something close to the heart of every Australian.

The Case Product Manager, Scott O’Hare explained how it uses an ‘Intelligent Hydrolic System’.
“It ensures that the hydraulic flow and engine load is perfectly matched to the task at hand, which means that any operator can get maximum results with minimum fuel use… We have already seen strong interest in the market for these new Tier 4 Interim compliant heavy excavators, and anticipate a very positive response from customers who want to reduce their fuel bill, and from customers who want to minimise their impact on the environment while still maintaining full productivity.”

In choosing the machine itself, Brendan told us they wanted power and speed. “We use its’ speed priority mode quite often and find control is as good as I’ve ever seen on any machine. It engages ground very quick, a significant difference to other machines… We swing a pretty big bucket… I’m very aware if you’re not careful the balance and control is wrong but this machine is beautifully balanced”.

The full list of functionality is very impressive, but we asked Brendan and his team at B&D Diesel Services for what was the most noticeable day-to-day. The lightening controls were an operator-favourite, and the comfort of the cab was a close second, as it made operating the CX300C a much more manageable eight-hour work day. One Operator mentioned the camera feature as a particular favourite, especially while they were in the zone and concentrating.

“(There’s) no risk when people come up while you’re working. The front and side vision is better than anything I’ve seen.”
Even the looks of the machine were praised.
“Presentation is important,” Brendan told us. “it’s everything for customers – they choose you because your business looks better… As a diesel mechanic, I don’t get caught up in this but customers are impressed and happy to have it on their job.”


The savings were another positive change from the start, but that exceeded expectations. After checking the tests and statistics kept carefully on all his gear, Brendan found the saving on fuel added up surprisingly fast.
“This 30 tonne is down to eight litres per hour, saving us about $1000 a week compared to our earlier 20 tonne excavator,” he told us. And money wasn’t the only saving adding up. “[It’s] changed our time to load a truck from 4 minutes to 45 seconds… That absolutely smashes what we’ve been achieving!”

Especially for smaller earth-moving companies, savings on that scale can really make a difference. By cutting the time required on-site, B&D Diesel Services have really taken on a competitive edge, with more opportunity for profit when generating quotes for multiple jobs. The objective is to move more dirt – more cheaply, and they report that the CX300C had cut their job times in half, offering scope for more opportunities in the immediate future.

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When it comes to machinery, the CASE team in Melbourne are particular about making sure their customers get the best service in every way, and it’s often a primary reason why customers like Brendan Adams choose the CASE brand, especially in such a competitive environment. Brendan told us that it was the CASE team’s attitude that sealed the deal.
“The salesman, Jason Cruise, has looked after me for some time. There was no pressure, he knew his gear, kept his promises and constructed a great deal, priced better than other machines. I didn’t have to go back and forth… Case Victoria showed enthusiasm in how they go about their business. Some other big names need to lift their game.”

Surprisingly, it wasn’t just that the CASE Team were good to work with, but the new machine had made a positive change in his own team.
“I’ve discovered the real value of having such a good Machine,” he told us. While there was a bit of a laugh about mates getting jealous, and that everyone lining up to have a go, he also found that on a more serious note, it made a difference to the way his team looked at the job itself. “I realised there’s a bankable benefit in this. It affects your workforce and who wants to work for you and your ability to attract people who are good… The comfort wins people over, and that changes their attitude to work, and the machine.”

Our team at Case Vic are impressed by the changes that have been made at B&D Diesel Services and are excited to see the development of their company and the great prospects ahead of them. We think Brendan wrapped up his experience nicely.

“Case make some big claims, we’ve tested them. I’ve been in the game a long time and I’m not a romantic, it’s just dirt, but the (CX350C) has made a huge impact outside the reasons we originally got it… I believe CASE offer a hire machine to try. I would recommend that.”